Monday, September 25, 2006

Because Mom yelled at me

Yes, I know…I haven’t written in a while. My mother has pointed this out quite a number of times. So, now I’ve posted a bunch of things! Start with the Independence Day one and work your way up to this one.

I guess I’ll start with what I’m up to. Not much. I think I’ll start teaching English in October as my first project. I figure it’ll help me get to know more people in the community. The youth group is still getting its act together. They’ve finally landed a youth house. They offered to let me live there. I told them the Peace Corps had some security regulations that prevented me from living in a place where 5 random guys would have the key to the place. They understood. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to working on the tourism stuff and artisans in the future.

I’ve managed to stay healthy! YEY! We’ll see how long it lasts… but I’m enjoying it while it does. If only I could get the mosquitoes to stop biting sooo much.

I’m looking into getting my own place. It looks like I will live in a one room house with a small backyard. But, it’s in the center of town near everyone I know. I think I’ll start moving in there next week. First I’ll have to scrub it out...ceiling to floor.

Side note; is it sad when you have more money in your bank account after joining Peace Corps then before? (Yup, my housing allowance is really adding up!)

And finally, no you can never escape them….Jahova´s witnesses. I like reading in my room with part of the door open (doors here have a the door can be shut but you can open the backing to let air and light in). That is where they spotted me. First it was just a small boy, then the older ones came. I initially thought they were just selling stuff door to door like a lot of people do down here…I was wrong. I also thought I was good, I just looked at them and said I didn’t understand (it was kinda funny, cause I did actually understand…how sweet is that). Finally, a true benefit from being a gringa! I also told them to wait as I went to get Iris to help me. She wouldn’t come and insisted I tell them no one was home. So, I went back and said I didn’t understand again and was sorry. They, of course, handed me a book that had their mission written in English. Damn. Eventually, I managed to get them to move on to the next house. Though, I think they may be coming back with an English bible…I’m worried.

Monday Monday

So, Monday was a good day. First, I learned I would be getting a new counterpart. I know that sounds mean...but the old one and I just didn’t click. She was kinda mean sometimes….laughing when I didn’t understand things and I never really felt included in the events. Heidy is different. We were working together with the youth before she became the social promoter and she’s cool. She has already taken me to a tourism meeting and a woman’s equality group meeting.

The other good news what that they are building a cell tower near by…maybe I can finally get some reception….without the scavenger hunt.


I think it began with getting a package from mom and dad. Or maybe the whole parade thing. It could have been the big cockroach in my bag that it took my a half an hour to kill with a broomstick. But any which way, I woke up Saturday homesick and in a funk. I was going to accompany my host sister to her parents’ house…but then I wasn’t feeling well either. So, I optioned for the stay at home, eat MandM´s, and drink tea philosophy. It turned out to be the better decision since my host sis got rained on and they had car trouble. On Sunday Rachael came to my rescue and we headed into Sonsonate for some Pizza Hut. Yes…Pizza Hut is now comfort food and considered high living. Eventually, after talking with the parents and siblings, I’ve managed to get my self out of my homesickness. I also had a good Monday.

Independence Month

September 15th is the official Independence Day here, but they pretty much celebrate all month. Now, before any of these celebrations, we would have to decorate the stage area in front of the town hall. So far, I think I’ve blown up at least 4 bags of balloons. I’m now able to blow up a bag without getting light headed or dizzy! Ohh...the talents I am acquiring!

It starts September 1st, obviously enough, with the opening celebrations. This basically consisted of the bands coming from the different schools and marching in a parade. When they got to the town hall, they stopped and had a little shin dig. This mainly consisted of the national anthem (which is really quite long), the oath (again, really long), some presentations and various speeches from various people. They then marched around town and that was the end of it.

Next came September 13th. This is when all the kindergarteners came out to march and play. It was really similar to the opening celebrations, only with younger people.

September 14th was torch day. In the evening about 15 students (those with good standing) ran from Sonsonate to my little neck of the woods in order to bring the independence flame to the town. I’m impressed because they ran for over an hour and a half…..up hill and down hill. I might try it next year just to get the t-shirt. Anyway, they brought it to the center of town and lit the torch located in front of the stage. Next came the usual…anthem, oath and speeches. I think this is my favorite of the activities.

Finally, September 15th! All the bands from all the schools came and marched to the center of town. Where the Mayor and everyone waited and watched. During this time, I got called to sit at the table of honor. I was initially just standing in the crowd enjoying myself…but then they spotted me. Not difficult, it was the easiest game of Where’s Waldo ever. So, I sat on stage with the Mayor, the Priest and the guy in charge of the Casa de Cultura (Culture House). I tried to look content and respectful. It’s hard, cause you don’t want to sit there smiling like an idiot but a pensive look makes you look sad. I’ll have to work on it. It was nice to see the presentations and the local dances. (I have some video of this actually since the girl who was using my camera accidentally turned it to video mode…..I also have video of peoples´ feet) After that I figured I was in the clear…not so. The table of honor then led the parade around town. I really felt kinda out there….on display if you will. It was a weird thing. I hid the rest of the day…well, as best as a sol gringa in a town can.

There is one more event to come….closing ceremonies. They are going to occur on September 29th. If you want a description….skip back to the second paragraph.

Independence Month

September 15th is the official Independence Day here, but they pretty much celebrate all month. Now, before any of these celebrations, we would have to decorate the stage area in front of the town hall. So far, I think I’ve blown up at least 4 bags of balloons. I’m now able to blow up a bag without getting light headed or dizzy! Ohh...the talents I am acquiring!

It starts September 1st, obviously enough, with the opening celebrations. This basically consisted of the bands coming from the different schools and marching in a parade. When they got to the town hall, they stopped and had a little shin dig. This mainly consisted of the national anthem (which is really quite long), the oath (again, really long), some presentations and various speeches from various people. They then marched around town and that was the end of it.

Next came September 13th. This is when all the kindergarteners came out to march and play. It was really similar to the opening celebrations, only with younger people.

September 14th was torch day. In the evening about 15 students (those with good standing) ran from Sonsonate to my little neck of the woods in order to bring the independence flame to the town. I’m impressed because they ran for over an hour and a half…..up hill and down hill. I might try it next year just to get the t-shirt. Anyway, they brought it to the center of town and lit the torch located in front of the stage. Next came the usual…anthem, oath and speeches. I think this is my favorite of the activities.

Finally, September 15th! All the bands from all the schools came and marched to the center of town. Where the Mayor and everyone waited and watched. During this time, I got called to sit at the table of honor. I was initially just standing in the crowd enjoying myself…but then they spotted me. Not difficult, it was the easiest game of Where’s Waldo ever. So, I sat on stage with the Mayor, the Priest and the guy in charge of the Casa de Cultura (Culture House). I tried to look content and respectful. It’s hard, cause you don’t want to sit there smiling like an idiot but a pensive look makes you look sad. I’ll have to work on it. It was nice to see the presentations and the local dances. (I have some video of this actually since the girl who was using my camera accidentally turned it to video mode…..I also have video of peoples´ feet) After that I figured I was in the clear…not so. The table of honor then led the parade around town. I really felt kinda out there….on display if you will. It was a weird thing. I hid the rest of the day…well, as best as a sol gringa in a town can.

There is one more event to come….closing ceremonies. They are going to occur on September 29th. If you want a description….skip back to the second paragraph.

Friday, September 08, 2006

What I've Been Up To

Hmmm....lets start with the youth group. So, I continue to just kinda follow along and go to the different meetings. The group is starting to form, but they need some more representatives from the different areas of town.

side note* my town had four cantones...which are the countryside areas. Places that may or may not have running water.

But, I am enjoying working with a girl named Heidy. She's a little younger then me but very friendly and helpful. So is the guy from Agape who is helping to organize the group along with two other groups from different towns. Last Wed we all went to Ataco to meet the group there, see how they had set everything up, like their youth center, and then play soccer. I didn't play......I wasn't willing to run out into the mud with the boys. The boys play rough here.

Next, I've made it a point to go visit all the cantons in my town/municipality. There are four in total, as mentioned above, and I'm visiting them with the Health Promotors. These are guys that go out to the families and check in on the kids and the houses. They put abate (kills mosquito larva) in the pilas (giant sinks), bring vaccinations to the kids and tries to help the local people live healthier lives. They really do amazing work and really are interested in how they can help their people. They do their best, but the conditions in the countryside are still very harsh. Kids run around half naked and dodge trash. You can tell the children are malnourished by their vacant stairs. I'll have to see if they have any projects going.

Finally, there is the softball team.....which is flopping a little bit. If I don't go...let's say cause I'm tired from hiking all day...Iris won't go. Then the next woman won't go b/c Iris isn't going...and so on and so forth. I'll make a mental note of this for future groups.

Otherwise, I just kinda hang around and try and get to know my village.

Small Stuff & Little Peculiarities

The small stuff is usually the good stuff.

For example, I was chillin in the Town Hall when the mailman came in. He went through his bag and pulled out some letters and a small package. Alls I could think was how awesome it would be if that package was for me......and it was! Thanks for the cookie mix Grandma!! We (meaning my host sister) cleaned out the oven (it was really sketchy) so we can make them.

Or how I finally bought myself a full size mosquito net so I can enjoy the full bed......maybe I'll splurge one day and get nice sheets and a sweet pillow. Though, I think I overpaid for the mosquito net, but it was worth it. It was funny to hear my host sister retell the story of how we bought it. She started by saying how much it was originally $22 and how it went to $18, but she bet we could've gotten it down to $15. In actuality it went's person $22, Iris would look at me and I would look at her and then the sale's woman to lower the price and we would repeat till we came to $18. But, I decided let her have her moment in the sun. Whatever.

Also, there are the storms. The place I'm at is actually two sets of houses set up parallel to each other with a yard in the center. The higher of the two houses has this beautiful view of a the countryside. I like to hang out up there in the hammock when there is a storm because the thunder and the lightening make quite a spectacular show. And most of the time our power survives it's all good.

Then there is how my old host family wrote me a text message saying they missed me. So, I called them and they said how they were afraid I had forgotten them. And how excited they were to hear from me. I explained how impossible it was to forget them (from many standpoints) and I missed them too. I might head back out there way for the Festivales Patrinales for San Rafael in October. Just for a night or so.

The Peculiarities

There is this chicken. We (family I'm living with and I) don't even own it. But for some reason, it loves to come into the house and run around. It wouldn't be so bad, except that it shits in my room. It's done this twice so far and it if does it again I might just kill it myself. It's really funny when I'm sitting in my room and the curtain is closed, then I see it's shadow outlined on the curtain like some horror flick. But, since I'm not yet afraid of the chicken (no avian flu here) and chase it out of the house. Nothing like a good chicken run to get the blood going in the morning.

My other exercise consists of the broom bug fling. It seems bugs (like moths/cockroaches) like to die in the middle of my room for no apparent reason. So, I fling them out the front door with the broom....I must say I'm getting good distance now. Maybe it's because I'm achieving a nice arc. Who knows.