I’m really getting bad at keeping this thing updated, I’ll work on it.
But then again, not too much has happened.
I can’t quite remember what happened last week – thus probably nothing much at all. Though, I do remember it raining. This is strange since we’re supposed to be in the dry season.
Otherwise, I went and interpreted for a medical brigade this past Monday. My first work of the day came when another group down from the US came to see what this group was doing. The pastor from the Salvadoran church wanted to speak and thus I stepped in. What freaked me out was when they video tapped me – now I’m paranoid that they’re going to see that video with another Spanish speaker and that Spanish speaker is going to tell them that I’m a big fat liar. All well.
I also don’t think I’ll ever interpret for dentists. I worked with the eye guy for most of the day, but at the end of the day the other interpreter was taking a break, so I wandered over to the dentists. They were on their last patient – a little boy. Now this little boy had a tooth infection that was starting to impact his overall health, so they had to pull the tooth. But little boys don’t understand that, so he was screaming. There were about 4 or 5 people holding him down while the doc yanked the tooth. I know the boy had received enough novocain, in the words of one of the dentists, to choke a horse, but he was just so scared. It was a little heart wrenching.
I got back to my site on Tuesday for a meeting that never took place. If I had known, I would’ve stayed and interpreted another day. Instead, Sonia managed to drag me and a few others out of the house to go play softball. I don’t like softball. But I guess that doesn’t matter.
The rest of the week flew by and the weekend wasn’t bad. I ran a few errands in Sonso on Saturday and had lunch with two other volunteers. Sunday I found my way to the beach.
It was a beautiful day at the beach. Not to hot and with a few hammocks free. Though, we decided to take Tigra – Iris’s dog. I got stuck holding her in the back of the pick-up. My clothes are still soaking in detergent and hopefully they’ll be salvageable.
But then again, not too much has happened.
I can’t quite remember what happened last week – thus probably nothing much at all. Though, I do remember it raining. This is strange since we’re supposed to be in the dry season.
Otherwise, I went and interpreted for a medical brigade this past Monday. My first work of the day came when another group down from the US came to see what this group was doing. The pastor from the Salvadoran church wanted to speak and thus I stepped in. What freaked me out was when they video tapped me – now I’m paranoid that they’re going to see that video with another Spanish speaker and that Spanish speaker is going to tell them that I’m a big fat liar. All well.
I also don’t think I’ll ever interpret for dentists. I worked with the eye guy for most of the day, but at the end of the day the other interpreter was taking a break, so I wandered over to the dentists. They were on their last patient – a little boy. Now this little boy had a tooth infection that was starting to impact his overall health, so they had to pull the tooth. But little boys don’t understand that, so he was screaming. There were about 4 or 5 people holding him down while the doc yanked the tooth. I know the boy had received enough novocain, in the words of one of the dentists, to choke a horse, but he was just so scared. It was a little heart wrenching.
I got back to my site on Tuesday for a meeting that never took place. If I had known, I would’ve stayed and interpreted another day. Instead, Sonia managed to drag me and a few others out of the house to go play softball. I don’t like softball. But I guess that doesn’t matter.
The rest of the week flew by and the weekend wasn’t bad. I ran a few errands in Sonso on Saturday and had lunch with two other volunteers. Sunday I found my way to the beach.
It was a beautiful day at the beach. Not to hot and with a few hammocks free. Though, we decided to take Tigra – Iris’s dog. I got stuck holding her in the back of the pick-up. My clothes are still soaking in detergent and hopefully they’ll be salvageable.