Tuesday, July 08, 2008

lots of people seeing

On Friday (July 1st) we celebrated Sonia’s birthday. Since she obviously couldn’t be asked to cook for her own surprise party, we decided to go with Pollo Campero (kinda like KFC). It was all going well enough leading up until the actual day. I think she truly believed we weren’t doing anything for her birthday and thus proceeded to cook herself her own birthday lunch. I was invited along and it was good food. The only problem was that I had to get on a pick-up for 45min to pick up the food for the party – there is nothing worse then hopping on a pick-up on a full stomach. I managed to do it without dying. Jessica came with and we picked up the chicken and the cake.

Then Sonia decided not to go to a meeting she was originally going to go to and walked in on Iris’s cooking. So, the surprise was ruined. But the party turned out to be fun. I thought it was going to be bad since Sonia wasn’t in a good mood…but she got there and all turned out well. I think a high part was when we brought the cake out and proceeded to put 47 (+ 1 for good luck) candles on it. Nope, she didn’t get them all out on the first shot.

The following day (the 5th of July) the American Society held its annual Fourth of July party at the Sheraton Presidente. It’s always done on the weekend closest to the actual day. Unfortunately, the party was on a rainy day so not too many people came (neither volunteers nor embassy staff). It was nice for the fact that that improved our chances for the raffle. A number of volunteers won gift certificates. Another good point was that we got to talk to the Ambassador for a while and hear his view points on what the country needed (El Salvador), what his background was, and what he wanted to continue to do.

After the party and the short spurt of fireworks, some of us headed over to a local club. I’m not if you could define it as a club…it had a DJ and small dance floor, but also served food. I guess you would call it a restaurant/club. It was a fitting place to have my group’s despidida (good-bye party) since it is where we had our swearing – in party. We ended it where we started it. The party itself was great since it stayed small, there was no cover charge to get in and the music was good. Afterward, I headed back to the Sheraton Presidente – another volunteer had enough reward points on his credit card to get a free room, and thus I aprovechared and crashed there. There is nothing better then a hot shower without the free of electric shock.

Sunday came around quick enough and it was time to head back to my site with Natalie. We (Joe, Natalie and I), of course, hit up breakfast at Shaw’s for some Belgium waffles and the breakfast buffet. Afterward, Natalie and I went shopping and then back to my site. Joe had some training with PC and since Nat can’t be alone in her site she came home with me. The trip would’ve been nice, but the artisans from Guatajiagua sent clay to my artisans via volunteers. I was hauling around at least 30 pounds of clay. It was insane.

We got back to my site with just enough time for a short nap and snack. Then it was time for my second and last class on the pottery wheel. Thankfully, when we arrived, Silvia was there. I needed an artisan to give me some clay – I don’t have it lying around my house. Natalie and I then spent the next 2.5 hours playing around on the pottery wheel. It was also fun to tease Chele and Hugo (Chele was the 18 year old giving the classes and Hugo is his best friend here). At the end we paid them well and thanked them both. I tend to get spoiled since I just show up and play with the clay and other tend to clean up for me afterward.

That night I crashed after a simple dinner – lugging that clay around all day was really tiring.

Monday we didn’t do too much. Natalie spent a good part of her day working on some papers to get into graduate school. I spent a good part of the day cleaning. I hadn’t had a chance in a while to clean up and there was just bat shit and dirt. That and I needed to wash some clothing. During the rainy season you kinda gotta wash clothes right after they get dirty cause it can take a while to get them to dry.

We also went through some of my stuff and I gave her a bunch of stuff – like spices I won’t be using, DVDs and things like that. She helped me sort through my clothing…I get emotionally attached to my clothing, so I needed an outside opinion.

Time went pretty quick with her here. But she left this morning and this afternoon I have my artisans graduation from their pottery class.

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