Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Interesting Week Part I: Leaving My Host Fam

Alright, so after dengue I only had about four days left with my host family. It was kinda wierd to return after a week and a half of not being there, but all went well.

On Saturday... I think about the 12th of August, we had a family fiesta for all the trainee´s families and that´s where I met back up with them. It was just a nice day of chillin and seeing who lived with who. You know, put a face to all the stories. We also made (by we I mean two trainess, not me) chili. It was funny to see who liked it and who didn´t. I can´t say any Salvadorans fully appreciated the corn bread. In a way, it was a little bit of revenge for all the food we had to eat. Bwa ha ha ha ha! I was a little sad that I didn´t get to beat up the pinata...the little kids got that privilage.

Sunday came along and a bunch of us went to Ilabasco, an artisan village. We just walked through and picked up some stuff. I got a wind chime type of thing made of bells (for whenever I get my own place) and a cross for my host family. While walking we all agreed that we were ready to move out and finally become volunteers. That night we (host fam and I) were suppose to go get pupusas for dinner (pupusas are tortillas filled with either beans, cheese, cheese combos with different veggies or pork combos). I really wasn´t interested, so thank God we went to Pollo Camparo (kinda like KFC). Of corse I didn´t order the right thing...so my host mother gave me a dirty look...but whatever! I was breaking free in two days.

Monday just came and went....nothing too much happened.

Tuesday was my final night there. It was bitter sweet. We finally went out for pupusas in a nearby canton (small, small town) and they were actually pretty good. Maybe b/c they were really hot. Everything tastes better here when it´s hot. I had also brought home a cake so we had that for dessert. It was kinda funny, I was like...lets have cake now and they were like...ohh Barbara wants to have the cake now. I´m not sure if they thought it was a presant for when I was gone or what. I found it humorus.

Wed morning and I was out of there! I gave hugs to everyone and promises to return (which i do intend to keep). It was kinda sad.

Now, the family was a very sweet family and I don´t want it to sound as if I´m ungratful for all that they did for me. Lord knows they watched out for me and tried to make me feel at home. It´s just, I felt like I was living back with my parents and all my siblings in one house and had to eat whatever they threw down in front of me. I did recommend them for another volunteer. Hopefully what they learned from me they can apply to the next volunteer.

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