Tuesday, April 15, 2008


The week started out nice enough.

I went food shopping on Friday and ran into the Priest from San Pedro – the next town up. He’s a gringo who has been working in El Salvador for 48 years…I can’t even imagine. Anyway, it was raining and he gave me a lift back to my place. He originally was just going to drop me off at the bus stop – but seeing as it was down pouring, he didn’t have the heart and took me all the way home. Sweet.

Once in Santo Domingo, he took me to meet a German that I had yet to meet. His name is Hans Christian and he’s been living here for a quite a while. I’ve known of him but just never made it over to say hi. He’s about 70 something years old and is married to a nice Salvadorian woman who bakes great cakes.

Saturday was spent cleaning Iris’s store…it was really gross. Her and Nina Ada started by cleaning the ceiling. Ceilings down here are exposed – meaning you see all the beams and the underside of the roof, which in this case was lamina. We these types of ceiling you see all the spider webs and dust. So they went up there with large brooms and went at it. I joined in after that part and cleaned the higher shelves since I am by far the tallest of the three. It took the majority of the day to complete and by the end my nose was filled with dust, but it was well worth it. The store looks great and I got a free lunch out of it.

Thus since I cleaned all Saturday, I really didn’t want to Sunday….so I paid Nina Lupe to come wash all my clothes. She’s great.

I should make a small note here – Nina means girl, but they usually say it as a term of endearment before the person’s actual name. So Nina Lupe is really just Lupe.

The rest of the week went quick enough. I had lunch with another volunteer on Tuesday, we do it every once and a while to catch up on life.

On Friday I went to the school to paint a wall sky blue. It was more a grey sky blue, but will still serve its purpose. We didn’t paint the full wall, just a large box on it. Inside the box is where the world map will go. I painted the first layer with five students; the second layer wasn’t possible till way later in the afternoon. So, a teacher was nice enough to offer to take care of it. I’ll go back on Tuesday to draw the map.

I had a scary spider incident on Friday night. There was a large grey one (large being about 3 inches in diameter) chillin by my back door. So I went and got my broom to kill it – only it escaped by flying (yes flying) 2 yards to my desk and running. I thus spent the rest of the night sniffing relaxation aroma therapy (thank you Maryann) while imagining this spider seeking revenge. Yes, paranoia – but it was a large, scary spider.
The weekend brought rain – finally a cloudy day! Too many days of sun tend to get to one’s head. I enjoyed it by reading, sleeping and eating. That brings me back to Monday.

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