Monday, October 16, 2006

Why i don´t write about my week...

I don’t do anything during the week, and I’m pretty serious about that. I do small things, like write people, sit in on meetings, draw calendars, watch soap operas and play softball (when it's not raining). I wanna do more, but I’m just not there yet.

But, my weekends seem to be a little more interesting. I crashed a quince añera this past Saturday. For those who are not aware, instead of a sweet sixteen, they celebrate the 15th birthday. Iris was trying to explain a few of the details to me, but she wound up having to draw it out. Primavera to me means spring, but apparently it also applies to girls participating in the quince añera….hence my great confusion and a drawing. The birthday girl parades to her party and in the hall. Before her walks a little boy and girl of about 4 years of age. Behind her walks 14 girls (primaveras) and 14 boys (their ages vary up to about 18 years of age). They all sit together at a giant table and the party begins. I went with Iris and the family…..we just basically went to have a free dinner. And some left right after having the dinner. I won’t lie…it's pretty much the reason I went. It just got awkward when the birthday girl and her mother were walking around and greeting everyone, thanking them for coming and all, then they stumbled upon me and was like, ´oh, who’s this?´…it was funny. We stayed for a little while after, but left before the cake was served. I was a little sad about that. But not too much, cakes here never taste as good as they look.

Sunday I went and checked out some actual pools with Heidi. We went with her sister, her sister’s boyfriend and another guy. I must admit, I know it's dangerous, but I like riding in the back of pickups. I enjoy the wind and the sky and all that jazz. Any who, the pools were quite large and mostly man made. It seemed like a combo actually. The sides of the pool were made of concrete, but the bottom of it wasn’t. It was also filled with spring water. That means if you stayed still little fish came over and started to nip at your feet or legs. That was a weird sensation and often kept me on the move. It was nice to get out, but a little awkward since I didn’t know the guys and the whole language barrier.

After all that, I went home and treated myself to a nice hot bucket bath. Yes, that means I boiled some water, mixed it with some cold in a giant plastic tub and went for it. It was wonderful. I should do that more often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi barb, just keeping up on you. we got your letter today and you are right, parents do like to get stuff in the mail. Mom is getting the next letter out to you today.