Saturday, December 02, 2006

From turkey to cows

So, Thanksgiving rolled around and I made my way to Stephen’s site for the festivities. It turned out to be just him, Carl and I celebrating there. We enjoyed chilli with pan frances (white bread) and our drink of choice. I went with wine, Stephen with liquor and Carl with beer. We skipped the whole turkey thing. It turned out to be a quite night, I crashed early…wine does that to me. I shouldn’t say it was too quite, Stephen’s site was starting their patron saint festivities…..they start at 4am with a town wake up call. They blare loud music and walk through the streets announcing the day’s schedule.

After waking up late on Friday, we made our way to a Peace Corps soccer game in Jayaque (that is totally misspelled), Nathan’s site. Only, we got there so late that after an hour and a half, I had to hop back on the bus to get back to my pueblo before the last bus left and it got too dark. Still, it was nice to see other volunteers and talk for at least a little bit. That night I crashed. It fact the power went out and I didn’t know it till the next day when somebody told me.

Saturday I slept late…it was sweet. When I eventually did get up, I managed to clean about half my house. And it was in need of it. I’m not sure I’ve mentioned this, but we switched seasons down here. It happened on Monday? They call this summer…even though it’s cooler now….I call it the windy season. (side note: the wind down here is called norte or north since it comes down from the north) The wind started and stayed for three days…it was impressive. I thought the roof was gonna come off my house or at least my patio. Stephen called it the rapture…a tree was snapped in half in his backyard and his turtles have gone missing. Anyhow this relates to cleaning my house in the following – the wind gets so strong that it shakes the house and all the dust that has accumulated on the ceiling/roof comes falling down in chunks and coats everything. It is really quite disgusting. So, one has to clean everything. In the afternoon I went with Lito (husband of Iris) to Iris’s parent’s house. She was already there; she had left earlier…before I was willing to get out of bed. It was a nice afternoon in the countryside. We visited two of her old friends who had just recently had babies. Had lunch (I apparently eat shrimp now) and just relaxed. I also hopped on a horse for two seconds…they were a nice two seconds. That night we went to a vela (when someone dies, the family hosts visitors that night and offers coffee and tamales…a local food. People come to show their respect and many stay till all hours of the morning) of a local whom had just passed away. Actually, there was a rumor that he passed away last week and then it was corrected. So, when they told me he passed away I asked if they were sure, they were. Iris and I just went to drop off some flowers, Sonia stayed till 1 or 2am.

That takes us to Sunday and the soccer tournament. If I accidentally switch from soccer to futbol, please forgive me…it’s just what it is called down here. I got up and went down to the field at 7:30am, the appointed meeting time…so naturally I didn’t meet up with anyone till 8ish….Heidy came down. She and I then walked up with to the Alcaldia to grab stuff for the tournament and ask for other stuff to be brought down. Louise Ernesto arrived and got the sound system. After all this it was 8:30am by the time we got back to the field. The first thing I noticed when we got back was not the people…but the heard of cattle that had come and was now grazing in the middle of the field. I laughed and cursed myself for not bringing my camera. It took about an half an hour to set up the sound system and get everyone ready. During this time both Heidy and I received numerous cat calls…which was a little bit surprising considering the hour and the fact that we were there with Louise Ernesto. The teams present took an oath and then I got the honour of the first kick….kinda like throwing out the first pitch…and I did score. I’m awesome! It was a nice morning of mariachi music, soccer and a nice breeze…with the occasional cow running through the middle of the field. The game was stopped when all the cows ran through the field to get to the other field…guess the grass was greener. He he he. The tournament lasted all day and will continue for the next couple of Sundays. During the middle of it, it was decided that I should go with Don Justo (mayor) to Sonsonate. I was really confused and didn’t really want to go…since usually trips with Don Justo end with me coming home later then I wanted to and/or drinking too much beer. But, finally they got me to go. Once I got in the car Don Justo explained to me why I was sent. Apparently, he promised everyone that he would be back by 1:30pm to watch his team…but nobody believed him. So, they told him to take me because if I was with him he would have to come back. Not quite in my job description, but I got a free lunch out of the deal at Pollo Campero (kinda like KFC)…who am I to complain. That evening I finished cleaning up and went to bed early….I’m still tired.

And, alas, still no luck with getting my fridge fixed. I’ll have to go bitch and complain as best as I can again this week.

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